One of the most powerful crystals, selenite, named after the goddess Selene this crystal brings clarity, peace, and positivity. Promotes the connection to the divine and higher beings. Aids in psychic development. Great at cleansing and clearing blockages.
Citrine also known as the "Merchant Stone", helps with cleansing energies and inviting positive energy in. Sun energy. Promotes healing. Draws prosperity and abundance. Brings happiness, joy, and optimism.
Black obsidian is a powerful stone of psychic protection and a shield against negativity. Helps to lessen mental stress and tension. Brings strong properties of grounding and stability. Stimulates visions and prophesy. Keeps negative energies at bay and preventing unwanted emotions. Can bring on a meditative state and untapped abilities.
Aventurine helps to release and lessen negativity. Re-balances the heart chakra. Acts as a lucky charm to invite in luck and opportunities. Helps to manifest wealth and encourage perseverance through obstacles. Great at guarding against electromagnetic pollution and emanations.
One of the most powerful crystals, selenite, named after the goddess Selene this crystal brings clarity, peace, and positivity. Promotes the connection to the divine and higher beings. Aids in psychic development. Great at cleansing and clearing blockages.
Red Jasper is known to be a powerful stone of protection, courage and wisdom. Helpful for inspiring positivity, motivation, and drive. Brings balance to emotional lows. Aids in spiritual grounding.
A protection stone. Helps absorb negativity and protect against psychic attacks. Guards you from evil spirts and entities. Purifies negative energies. Said to help absorb electromagnetic waves, great to be placed near computers and electronics. Strengthens the protective aura and clears debris from it. Energy clearing to help ground and stabilize unwanted energy.
An un-tumbled, raw amethyst makes a great, all-purpose crystal that specializes in happiness, psychic ability, balance, and peace. In ancient times, it was regarded as the "sober stone" and helps you stay grounded, focused. Great for emotional healing.
Quartz is considered to be a "jack of all trades" or "master" crystal. Helps with amplification, healing, magick, and the holding of energy. Powerful; quartz is able to enhance the traits of nearby crystals.
A crystal of good luck & protection. Helps you stay grounded amid chaos. Motivational and helps you push through boundaries. Promotes energy and strength.
Pyrite has long been known for its protective and shielding properties from negative energies and negative environmental pollutants. Encourages new ways of looking at life and the world. Helps to strengthen the mind and willpower. Pyrite is a symbol of prosperity and abundance. Helps to draw prosperity, focus, manifestations, focus, and positivity to your home, business, or personal life. It…
Petrified wood is grounding and protecting. It has been said that the nerves and fears are calmed frequently with it in your possession. Encourages feelings of well-being, safety, and security. Great for meditation and helping you to prioritize what is important to you. Worry less with its energies.
Green Aventurine is the growth crystal as well as aiding in nurturing new relationships or business adventures. Re-balances the heart chakra. Acts as a lucky charm to invite luck and opportunities. A polished point of Green Aventurine wrapped with pewter wire with black cord included. 1" long. Sizes & color may vary slightly.
A crystal of personal power, strength, and courage. Carnelian, from the latin word meaning flesh, is excellent for sensuality, sexual power, and sex drive. Great for balancing the bodies energy levels. It promotes vitality, energy, and drive.
A crystal to help lower stress clear out anger, jealousy, and resentment. Attracts love and healing. Aligns the heart chakra. Washes out trapped emotional and toxic energy. Calls upon universal loving energies.
Un-tumbled, raw black tourmaline is a protection stone and common meditation crystal. Helps absorb negativity and protect against psychic attacks. Guards you from evil spirts and entities. Purifies negative energies. Said to help absorb electromagnetic waves, great to be placed near computers and electronics. Strengthens the protective aura and clears debris from it. Energy clearing to help ground and stabilize…
Desert rose is the colloquial name given to rose-like formations of crystal clusters of gypsum or baryte which include abundant sand grains. Found in dry desert regions, each one is said to house a unique spirit guardian. They have traditionally been used as talismans for protection, overcoming phobias and to help boost self-confidence. Particularly helpful for shy or timid children…
Labradorite wire wrapped point with black cord included. 1" long. Sizes & color may vary slightly. Labradorite helps bring inspiration, boost intuition, stabilizes the aura and enhances the energy flow between the chakras & aura. Great to restore and calm the mind. Helps with thought patterns and aids in idea creation.