Also known as the holy wood; Great for purifying energies and to clear spaces. Attracts good energy and blesses space. Puts you in a good meditative state. Dating back to the Amazonian shamans, it is said that the rising smoke of the palo santo stick clears misfortune, negative thoughts, and to help banish evil spirits.
Smudging is ritual alchemy and sage is used to bring luck, cleanse, protect, promote wisdom, and purification. For thousands of years, sage has been used in many ceremonial and ritual practices. Primarily, it was used to clear, bless, and cleanse a sacred space or area while changing the ionic composition of the surrounding air. Any evil, illness, conflict, anger, negative…
Attraction Oil is used to attract a loved one or loving energy towards you. It promotes self-love, confidence, and can incite passion. Keep in mind that this oil can sometimes cause you to go on a journey of self-discovery by attracting random events to the user. By doing so, you are able to receive the universal love awaiting you and…
Crown Of Success Oil is used to help bring your dreams, ambitions, and goals to you. Manifest your highest good and attain that success you're seeking. Change your financial circumstances. Increase your luck. Crush those goals you're working towards. Great for use to enhance spellwork, business meetings, jobs, money, school, relationships, and more. Its time you put your crown on…
Witch's Black Salt is a powerful item that has been used in magickal workings of all kinds. Hoodoo, Voodoo, Wicca, Pagan, Witchcraft, and many more traditions. This blend of black salt is handmade by a witch from salt from the Hawaiian island Molokai combined with various herbs, egg shell, ash from a witch’s cauldron, coconut shell, activated charcoal, and pepper,…
A smoke-less smudge option to clear yourself and space. Use as an altar spray, protection spray, spiritual cleanse or as an energy clearer. Great for clearing energies while inviting positive or divine energies in. Also, great for protection and getting rid of nasty energies. Comes in a beautiful UV protected glass bottle filled with a signature blend of oils, herbs,…
The perfect candle for intention work, spellwork, and even manifestation. Many spiritual practices around the world use chime candles as a way to light-up their workings to a sacred space.
Rose of Jericho also known as selaginella lepidophylla, resurrection plant, stone flower, siempre viva, dinosaur plant, doradilla, or flower of stone. This flower comes to life by placing it in water. If you remove it out of the water, it will return to a lifeless state. Magical properties include abundance, love, harmony, and wish magick. It is said to help…
The perfect candle for intention work, spellwork, and even manifestation. Many spiritual practices around the world use chime candles as a way to light-up their workings to a sacred space.
The perfect candle for intention work, spellwork, and even manifestation. Many spiritual practices around the world use chime candles as a way to light-up their workings to a sacred space.
A smoke-less smudge option to cleanse yourself and space. Use as an altar spray, protection spray, spiritual cleanse or as an energy cleanser. Get rid of any lingering negativity or energies that may be hindering you. Let those little "energy drainers" know that you want them gone! Comes in a beautiful UV protected glass bottle filled with a signature blend…
The captivating love and attraction spray weaves an invisible spell of love. This enchanting spray surrounds you or your space with an irresistible aura of attraction, drawing hearts closer and sparking connections. Unleash the power of love and attraction and let love find its way to you. Comes in a beautiful UV protected glass bottle filled with a signature blend…