Mugwort also known as artemisia vulgaris, sailors tobacco, cronewort, felon herb, old uncle henry, artemis herb, witch herb, muggons, chornobylnik, and naughty man. Added to magickal workings for lust, fertility, astral travel/projection, dreamwork. Magickal uses for safety and protection for travel, success, psychic powers, and clairvoyance as well as scrying. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark place.…
Mandrake Root also known as podophyllum peltatum, brain thief, gallows, mannikin, wild lemon, racoon berry, herb of circe, womandrake, baaras, american mandrake, indian apple, and mayapple. Toxic & poisonous. Magickal uses were to win in love, protection, fertility, wealth, prosperity, exorcism of baneful workings. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 2oz.
Hibiscus Flower also known as hibiscus sabdariffa, carcade, roselle, sorrel, flor de jamaica, or rose mallow. Many uses from culinary, magickal, or decorative. Magickally use for attracting love, divination, and dream working. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 2oz.
Galangal Root also known as alpinia species, little john, chewing john, or galingale. Said to have a warming effect on the body. In magick spells it was used to win in the courtroom, money, sex magick, and hex breaking. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 2oz.
Chamomile Flowers, grown in Egypt, but is the same species of chamomile commonly known as german chamomile. Other names include ground apple, whig plant, maythen, or camamyle. Magical uses sleep, prosperity, good luck, meditation, calmness, gambling, winning, success, and uncrossing. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 2oz.
Calendula Flower known as marybud, ruddles, marigold, summers bride, golds, holigold, spousa solis, or pot marigold. Once was called the poor man's saffron, it has been historically known to be used in bath and body products across the world. Magickal uses are love, clairvoyance, protection, sun magick, legal matters, and spiritual powers. Store in a sealed container in a cool,…
Buckthorn Bark also known as rhamnus frangula, black alder, glossy buckthorn, european buckthorn or alder buckthorn. Magical uses are to help declutter life, get a new job, business, general good luck generator, legal matters, drive away evil, new ventures, tenacity, and motivation. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 2oz.
Bay Leaves also know as Laurus Nobilis, bay tree, greecian laurel, indian bay, roman laurel, baie, or bay laurel. Known for enhancing memory. Magickal uses are for good fortune, purification, success, strength, healing, psychic power, clairvoyance, and prophetic dreams. Placing them in the four corners of a room is said to keep it protected. Great to help protect against lightning.…
Angelica Root also known as wild celery, root of the holy ghost, masterwort, or angel of herbs. Magickal uses include protection against negative energy, purification, uncrossing, exorcism, curses, and hexes. Promotes healing, temperance, and helps to bring back a lost love. It was burned in fire during exorcism rituals. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dark place. 2oz.